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VersatileSerializing .NET Class Library (One Developer License) 1.0

VersatileSerializing .NET Class Library (One Developer License) 1.0

VersatileSerializing .NET Class Library (One Developer License) Publisher's Description

Versatile Serializing is the name of a class library for the .NET Framework incorporates a new approach to serializing and deserializing objects, allowing fine tuning of raw data formats produced or expected.

Use Versatile Serializing to comply with given data communication protocols, exchange specifications and prescribed file formats without any coding - just by equipping your classes and class members with instructive attribute declarations.

A license for one developer entitles to use the library on a single personal computer for development by one individual person. Up to three licenses can be ordered at a discount price. For more than three individual developers, please consider ordering a site license. Allows royalty free distribution of the class library assembly (but not the documentation and other material). Includes no source code. Free updates for 1 year included.

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